ourlife Loyalty Scheme

Press Release


Today, Tuesday, 11 February 2020, EuroLife held a press conference in the presence of journalists and media representatives to present the ourlife Loyalty Scheme. This unique plan recognizes the trust customers place in the company and invests in long-term relationships with them.

What is truly important and was highlighted during the speech by Mr. Louis Pochanis, Executive Director Insurance Business of the Bank of Cyprus Group, is that “ourlife is an innovative Plan that rewards our clients with hands-on benefits that greatly increase the value of their insurance policies”.

Next, in his presentation, Mr. Avraam Pekris, EuroLife General Manager, said this is a simple yet innovative Loyalty Plan, without cards, points, or calculations. After taking into consideration the time of doing business together, plus a number of additional eligibility criteria, the plan rewards customers by offering free use of the Digital Medical Advisor, free benefits coverage, a free hematological test and reduced premiums on additional benefits.

Mr. Pekris closed by saying that “with us, our customers feel as they should: privileged and at the center of our attention.”


ourlife Loyalty Scheme